The Power of Monk Mode: How to Get Ahead of 95% of People in 21 Days

In this post, I'll share exactly what Monk Mode is, the benefits, and how to implement it into your life right now.

In today’s distracted world, it’s easy to lose focus and fall into habits that don’t serve your higher purpose. Social media, binge-watching, aimless browsing – they may feel good in the moment, but leave you unfulfilled in the long run. 

What if I told you there was a way to step out of the noise and re-focus your efforts? A way to get ahead of 95% of people in just 21 days?

It’s called Monk Mode – a hyper-focused state where you devote yourself wholly to your goals for a set period of time. When free from distractions, amazing things can happen. You gain clarity, motivation shoots up, and results come faster.

In this post, I’ll share exactly what Monk Mode is, the benefits, and how to implement it into your life right now.  Let’s dive in.

What is Monk Mode?


The concept of Monk Mode comes from the focused, distraction-free lives that monks live while devoted to spiritual practice. The idea is simple:

For a defined period of time – say 21 days, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year – you devote yourself fully to your purpose and eliminate all distractions. 

This means no social media, no mindless TV watching, no partying with friends. You take a step back from anything and everything that doesn’t support your purpose, and double down on the habits and behaviors that do. You become a one-track mind fixated on growth. You eat, sleep and breathe your goals. 

The length of time you do this is flexible based on your objectives. You may start with 21 days just to test it out and then extend from there.

Why Go into Monk Mode?


Going into Monk Mode for a period can bring tremendous focus and clarity into your life. 

Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Massively increased productivity – With all distractions out of the way, you’ll get a lot more done towards your key goals. Use techniques like deep work to maximize output.

2. Building powerful habits – Removing temptations and doubling down on self-discipline is an incredible way to ingrain habits around health, waking up early, learning etc.

3. Improved mental clarity – Without constant stimulation from social media and other sources, you start to gain clarity and focus. This fuels motivation to keep progressing. 

4. Freedom from fear of missing out (FOMO) – When you temporarily cut out social media and partying, you realize they weren’t that important. You stop worrying about what others are doing.

5. Boosted motivation and drive – With each passing day of extreme focus, you build momentum that increases motivation. Results keep you hungry for more. 

6. Gaining an “edge” – While 95% of people live aimlessly and distracted, you zoom ahead on your goals and gain an edge. You execute while they scroll through Instagram.

Does this sound appealing? If so, let’s look at how to actually implement Monk Mode.

How to Go into Monk Mode in 5 Steps


If you want to efficiently go into Monk Mode and make the most of your time there, follow these key steps:

Step 1 – Define Your Purpose and Goals


First, get clear on what you want to accomplish during your Monk Mode period. Define 1-3 core goals you want to drive towards. 

For example, do you want to:

  • Start a successful blog? 
  • Get shredded and hit new PRs?
  • Launch a business and make your first $10k?

Get specific. The more clarity here, the better. 

Step 2 – Eliminate Distractions 


Create a list of distractions that aren’t serving you, including:

  • Social media apps
  • Mindless browsing 
  • YouTube, Netflix and gaming
  • Partying or drinking too much
  • Toxic friends or relationships

Ruthlessly cull anything that doesn’t support your core goals. 

Step 3 – Double Down on What Matters


Now make a list of positive habits and behaviors to replace distraction time, including:

  • Reading educational books 
  • Hitting the gym
  • Waking up early 
  • Learning high-income skills
  • Working on your business 
  • Meal prepping 
  • Intermittent fasting

Fill your newfound free time with what actually matters.

Step 4 – Create Your Monk Mode Schedule 


Design a daily schedule that enforces extreme focus towards your goals. Here’s an example:

  • 5 AM – Wake up
  • 5-7 AM – Gym session 
  • 7-7:30 AM – Prepare breakfast/coffee
  • 8 AM-12 PM – Deep work session 1
  • 12-1 PM – Healthy lunch
  • 1-5 PM – Deep work session 2
  • 5-8 PM – Free time with no tech 
  • 8 PM – Light dinner
  • 9 PM – Read book in bed
  • 10 PM – Sleep

Step 5 – Stick to It!


This is the most critical step. Once you begin, you must stick to your Monk Mode schedule with ruthless discipline. No excuses. Set alerts on your phone reminding you to get back on track if needed. 

Tell friends and family you’ll be less available for a while. The first 1-3 days will be tough, but fight through. After a few weeks, your new habits will feel natural and the results will keep you motivated.

Aim for 21 days, but consider going even longer term with Month Mode or Year Mode if you find it powerful.  

Additional Tips to Make the Most of Monk Mode


Here are some extra pointers for your time in Monk Mode:

– Meditate daily to calm your mind, reduce anxiety, and improve focus. Start with 10 minutes if new to it.

– Journal every morning and evening to crystallize learnings and track changes. 

– Intermittent fast 16+ hours per day to tap into focus-boosting ketones and reduce insulin resistance. 

– Listen to audiobooks during chores instead of music passively. Always be learning. 

– Take nature walks without your phone to give your mind space while boosting creativity. Write down ideas as they arise.  

What to Expect from Monk Mode


When you fully commit to Monk Mode for a sustained period, extraordinary things happen. You gain unmatched clarity about what matters in life. Motivation shoots up from internal drive, rather than fleeting external stimulation.

Your self-confidence grows exponentially. Productivity skyrockets as you put all available energy towards mission-critical tasks. Distractions that once gripped you loose their hold as you build mental muscle. You realize how much they were holding you back.

Powerful, life-altering habits set their roots from consistent repetition. Compounding gains begin as this focused intensity fuels success. You improve physically, mentally and spiritually. Your life vision expands as does your conviction to realize it.  

Who Should Try Monk Mode?


Here are the types of people that will benefit massively from a temporary yet intense Monk Mode experience:

  • Recent grads uncertain about next steps
  • Anyone looking to turn their life around 
  • Entrepreneurs struggling with focus
  • People looking to boost health rapidly
  • Anyone who feels average and stuck

Are you in one of these buckets? Or just feel a hunger for more growth and progress? Monk Mode could be exactly what you need.

Isn’t It Extreme Though? 


You may argue that completely cutting out major areas of life like socializing or entertainment is too extreme. I’d counter – it’s only for a limited time. 

And “extreme” action is often needed to jolt out of stagnation and catalyze serious change. Use Monk Mode as an occasional intervention when you really need to crank up the dial on your life. 

And if you worry about friends and family missing you, remember: you are doing this first and foremost for your own long term wellbeing and fulfillment. By investing in yourself now you ultimately have more to offer them in the future.

It comes back to putting on your own oxygen mask first before helping others. When we have our lives fully aligned, we are in the best position to positively impact those we care about. So be a short term “monk” now for everyone’s sake later.

Take Action Today


The world we live in is engineered to keep us distracted. To keep us constantly reacting rather than creating. Monk Mode offers a proven framework to temporarily rise above the noise so you can set your sights on what truly matters.

The clarity and self-control you build will ripple outwards, positively influencing all areas of life from health and relationships to work and beyond. I challenge you to carve out 21 days to go full monk. 

If it resonates, keep going from there. You have nothing to lose and your best self to gain. The time is now. Your future is waiting.

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