Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli: 12 Valuable Lessons for Personal Finance and Investing Success

"In the book 'Just Keep Buying' by Nick Maggiulli, readers discover 12 valuable lessons for personal finance and investing success. From stress-free savings to increasing income through various avenues, these insights empower readers to make informed financial decisions. With practical advice and data-backed research, this book offers a roadmap to balance saving and spending, optimize asset allocation, and embrace long-term investing. Start applying these lessons today and pave your way to a prosperous future."


Personal finance and investing play a crucial role in shaping our financial future. In the book “Just Keep Buying” by Nick Maggiulli, readers are provided with practical advice supported by data and research studies. This blog post will highlight 12 valuable lessons from the book, offering insights into saving, increasing income, asset allocation, investment strategies, and more. Let’s delve into these lessons and empower ourselves for financial success.

Lesson 1: The Best Savings Advice for Stress-Free Financial Growth

Saving money is essential, but it’s important to do it in a stress-free manner. The book emphasizes that saving more is only beneficial if it doesn’t cause undue pressure. The key is to save what you can comfortably, ensuring a balance between present enjoyment and future financial security.

Purchase This Book: Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli

Lesson 2: Increasing Income through Various Avenues

To boost your income, the book suggests exploring the financial value within you. Here are five methods to consider:

1. Sell Your Time/Expertise

2. Sell a Skill/Service

3. Teach People

4. Sell a Product

5. Climb the Corporate Ladder

By leveraging these avenues, you can unlock your financial potential and achieve greater financial stability.

Lesson 3: The 2x Rule

The book introduces the 2x Rule, which advises connecting indulgent purchases with investments. When indulging in a purchase, it’s wise to balance it by investing an equivalent sum of money. Suppose you’re considering buying a $400 pair of dress shoes; in that case, it’s recommended to invest an additional $400 in income-generating assets such as stocks. This rule promotes responsible spending while nurturing a healthy investment mindset.

Lesson 4: Balancing Lifestyle Creep and Future Financial Security

While it’s natural to enjoy a higher standard of living as income increases, the book recommends keeping lifestyle creep below 50% of future raises. Implementing the 50% savings rule ensures a substantial portion of your income is directed towards your future self, promoting long-term financial stability.

Purchase This Book: Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli

Lesson 5: Defining Your Life Goals and Aligning Your Finances

Your money should serve as a tool to create the life you desire. The book emphasizes that the challenge lies in determining what you truly want from life. By ensuring your financial choices are in line with your objectives, you can prevent living someone else’s aspirations and instead create your own journey towards contentment.

Lesson 6: Factors to Consider Before Buying a Home

Buying a home is a significant financial decision. The book outlines essential considerations before taking the plunge:

1. Long-Term Location Stability: Plan on staying in the area for at least 10 years.

2. Personal and Professional Stability: Ensure stability in your personal and professional life.

3. Affordability: Only buy a home you can comfortably afford.

By carefully considering these factors, you can confidently choose whether homeownership is right for you.

Lesson 7: Understanding the Benefits of Investing

Investing plays a vital role in securing your financial future. The book highlights three primary reasons to invest:

1. Saving for Your Future Self

2. Preserving Money Against Inflation

3. Replacing Human Capital with Financial Capital

If you understand these reasons, you can develop a comprehensive investment strategy aligned with your goals and aspirations.

Purchase This Book: Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli

Lesson 8: Tailoring Your Investment Portfolio to Suit Your Needs

The book emphasizes that the optimal asset allocation varies from person to person. Different investment strategies can be effective for different individuals. Here are some annual compounded returns for various asset classes:

– Stocks: 8-10%

– Bonds: 2-4%

– Investment Property: 12-15%

– REITs: 10-12%

– Farmland: 7-9%

– Small Business: 20-25%

– Royalties: 5-20%

– Your Own Product(s): Variable

Understanding these potential returns can help you design an investment portfolio that suits your unique circumstances.

Lesson 9: The Power of Long-Term Investing

Equity investments benefit from the passage of time, making it a friend to investors. While stocks may exhibit short-term volatility, they have a tendency to bounce back from losses and offer positive returns in the long run. The book advises focusing on the long term to mitigate emotional volatility and benefit from the growth potential of investments.

Lesson 10: Seizing the Right Investment Opportunities

According to the book, it’s advisable to invest your money promptly rather than delaying, regardless of the asset class, time periods, or valuation regimes. Delaying the deployment of your capital can negatively impact your investment outcomes. Thus, taking action promptly can maximize your investment potential.

Lesson 11: Recognizing Buying Opportunities Amidst Crises

Major market crashes often present attractive buying opportunities. The book encourages investors not to fear such downturns but to take advantage of them when they occur. Historical data shows that future returns tend to be highest following significant market downturns. By capitalizing on these buying opportunities, you can potentially benefit from subsequent market recoveries.

Purchase This Book: Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli

Lesson 12: Finding Contentment Beyond Material Wealth

The book reminds readers that there will always be someone with more wealth. Defining your unique vision of financial success is crucial. Avoid getting caught up in comparisons and remember to prioritize your values and personal fulfillment, even when you achieve financial success.


“Just Keep Buying” by Nick Maggiulli offers valuable insights and practical advice on personal finance and investing. By implementing the lessons from this book, you can make informed financial decisions, balance saving and spending, optimize asset allocation, and embrace long-term investing. 

Purchase This Book: Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli

Remember, true wealth goes beyond material possessions and lies in aligning your financial choices with your personal goals and aspirations. So, start applying these lessons today and pave your way to a prosperous future.

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