How to Make the Most of Your Free Time: 13 Productive Things To Do

The goal isn’t to eliminate all leisure activities from your routine – rather to build more meaningful and energizing habits around them. What does your ideal free time look like? Use the ideas above to turn extra hours during the week into ones that make you happier and bring out the best version of yourself.

In our increasingly busy modern lives, free time is a precious commodity. But studies reveal we may be frittering away those spare hours in unsatisfying ways. 

Between jobs, families, chores and other demands, the average American has around 5 hours of leisure time on weekdays, plus weekends. Yet in the UK, people spend nearly 5 hours daily just staring at screens when not working or studying. 

While quality entertainment and relaxation have their place, research shows excessive social media scrolling and binge watching often leave people feeling depleted rather than recharged.

So what are some meaningful, nourishing ways to spend those 10, 20 or even 60+ free hours we have each week? How can we transform our use of spare moments to enjoy living more fully, productively and at peace with ourselves?

This epidemic of wasted free time takes a toll on our happiness, health, relationships and sense of purpose. Read on for 13 fulfilling alternatives along with expert insights on why they matter.  

The Heavy Cost of Misused Free Time


First, let’s explore what’s at stake when we fritter away spare moments mindlessly scrolling or vegging out in front of screens. While occasional zoning out is fine, making these passive activities the default is problematic for several reasons.

For starters, research links excessive social media and entertainment screen use to poorer mental and physical health. Potential issues include anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, eye strain, headaches, weight gain and more.  

Using free time primarily for easy entertainment also leaves less space for meaningful connections and activities – from bonding with loved ones to enjoying hobbies that enrich our lives and reflect our values. 

Passive screen activities are additionally associated with impaired cognition over time, impacting focus, memory, critical thinking skills and attention span. This can even accelerate cognitive decline.

Furthermore, hours upon hours of scrolling and streaming can trap us in a dopamine-driven feedback loop. Our brains start craving the instant gratification of new notifications and videos. Over time, this can dampen our ability to feel joy from ordinary activities.

“People find themselves stuck in these dopamine-motivated loops that they can’t get out of,” says Dr. Anna Lembke, author of Dopamine Nation. “Our brains literally become numb to everyday pleasures.”

Finally, mindless media consumption leaves less free time for things like self-care, household tasks or goal setting. Chores and responsibilities inevitably pile up, creating additional stress. 

In summary, while occasional zoning out is healthy, losing too much free time to compulsive scrolling and streaming can silently erode mental health, cognition, healthy dopamine response and overall well-being.

13 Nourishing Ways To Use Free Time Instead  


Now that we’ve explored the downsides of misused spare moments, let’s look at positive alternatives for those 10, 20 or 60+ weekly hours. 

Here are 13 fulfilling ways to start transforming your use of free time to boost happiness, meaning and life satisfaction:

1. Connect With Loved Ones


Reaching out to friends, family and those you care about is profoundly fulfilling. A phone call, handwritten letter or thoughtful email can make someone’s day while boosting your own mood and sense of meaning. Make an effort to regularly connect with older relatives, long-distance friends or those you wish you spoke to more.

2. Listen to Audiobooks and Podcasts While Walking


Combining a good book with exercise and fresh air is an excellent use of free time. Listening while walking gives your brain something to focus on, making it easier to tune out distractions. It’s also shown to boost retention compared to passive listening. Explore a new hobby or learn something useful as you log your daily steps.

3. Become Your Friend Group’s Social Organizer 


Plan get-togethers like dinners, parties, day trips or even vacations. Organizing fun outings gives everyone something to look forward to and brings people closer together. As the “social coordinator” you get the fulfillment of making memories happen.

4. Learn a New Language


Beyond just expanding your communication skills, learning a second language offers cognitive as well as social benefits. It’s shown to delay dementia and Alzheimer’s while also sharpening focus, critical thinking and decision making skills. Online platforms like LiveLang let you work with a personal tutor at your own pace. 

5. Organize Your Digital Life 


Between emails, files, photos and bookmarks, our digital spaces can quickly become cluttered. Spend time periodically clearing out your inbox, tidying up your photo library, adding calendar appointments and reorganizing your apps or bookmarks. You’ll regain a sense of control and make your devices more functional.

6. Meal Plan and Grocery Shop


Planning weekly meals ahead of time saves you time and money in the long run. Maintain a running list of go-to recipes then copy needed ingredients to your grocery list instead of impulse buying. Meal prepping also means less takeout spending and reduces food waste.

7. Tackle Chores During the Week


Working from home allows you to sneak in quick chores between meetings or calls. Doing a load laundry, running the dishwasher or wiping down counters during downtime leaves your weekends free for fun. Getting small tasks done periodically prevents them from piling up.

8. Review Your Finances 


While not the most exciting use of free time, monitoring your income, spending and investments ensures you’re making smart money moves. Compare what’s coming in to what’s going out, calculate your net worth, pay down debts efficiently and maximize returns. Financially savvy habits equal greater freedom and options.

9. Set Birthday Reminders


Show loved ones you care by never forgetting special occasions. Put birthdays, anniversaries and other dates in your calendar or an app like Trello. Set reminders to give you time to mail a card, gift or thoughtful text message. It takes little effort but makes people feel special.

10. Stay Informed on Current Events 


Being engaged with what’s happening in your community and globally is part of being an active citizen. Set aside time to read, listen to or watch a balanced range of news sources. Opt for fact-based outlets instead of hyper-partisan takes. Email newsletters also distill key headlines for busy people. 

11. Freelance Services or Skills


In today’s gig economy, countless side hustles can be done remotely from home. Online platforms let you easily market in-demand skills like language services, graphic design, writing, data entry and more. No matter your expertise level, people are looking to hire. Start earning income during your downtime.

12. Take a Free Online Course


The possibilities for learning new skills online are endless thanks to platforms like Coursera, edX and Skillshare. Whether for professional development, changing careers or just personal enrichment, online courses put knowledge within reach. Exploring topics that excite you also makes productive use of extra hours. 

13. Unwind with TV or Movies


Counterintuitively, one of the most valuable ways to spend your free time is by giving your mind permission to fully relax. After long days, watching a favorite Netflix show or funny Youtube videos allows you to recharge. Don’t underestimate the power of laughter and quality entertainment to help fight off burnout.  

The goal isn’t to eliminate all leisure activities from your routine – rather to build more meaningful and energizing habits around them. What does your ideal free time look like? Use the ideas above to turn extra hours during the week into ones that make you happier and bring out the best version of yourself.

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