How to learn anything fast: The Secrets to Learning Anything Super Fast

Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with different, unorthodox learning techniques beyond just reading books or watching videos. Different strategies tend to work better for different topics and different personal learning styles.
The Secrets to Learning Anything Super Fast

Have you ever wished you could become really good at something quickly? Maybe you want to learn a new language, code computer programs, paint beautiful artwork, or master any other skill. Well, there is an amazing method that can help you learn things at lightning speed. It’s called “ultralearning.”

In 2011, a guy named Scott Young used these ultralearning tricks to complete a 4-year computer science degree from MIT in just 12 months! After that, he wrote a book explaining exactly how he did it. The book outlines 9 powerful principles that basically give you superpowers for learning fast.

If you follow these 9 steps, you can turbocharge your learning ability and rapidly become an expert at pretty much anything you want. Here are the 9 principles of ultralearning explained in simple terms:

Step 1: Figure Out What You Don’t Know

The first step is to get crystal clear on what you already know about the topic and what gaps exist in your knowledge. This is called “metalearning.” Make a big list of all the concepts, skills, and ideas related to what you want to learn. Seeing everything written out will show you the parts you understand and the parts you’re completely clueless about.

For example, if you want to learn Spanish, you might realize you know basic greetings and numbers already. But you have no clue about verb conjugations, grammatical cases, idioms, etc. Now you can focus your efforts on filling those specific knowledge gaps.

Step 2: Remove All Distractions

With a clear picture of what you need to learn, it’s time to go into laser-focused mode. Completely eliminate any possible distractions – silencephones, disable notifications, close all other apps/tabs. Create designated times when you can devote 100% of your attention to learning this one topic without interruptions. Multitasking will just split your focus and slow everything down.

Step 3: Learn by Doing, Not Just Reading

You can read books and watch videos until you’re blue in the face, but you won’t truly master a skill until you can use it in real-world situations. That’s why it’s crucial to learn by doing as much as possible through hands-on practice and application.

For example, if you want to learn computer programming, it’s not enough to just read about coding concepts. You need to actually write code, build programs, and solve problems using those coding skills over and over again. Look for opportunities like coding projects, internships, freelance work, etc.

Step 4: Drill the Fundamentals Relentlessly

Even geniuses like Benjamin Franklin had to repetitively practice the foundational skills of their craft. No matter what you’re trying to learn, there are certain core components that everything else builds upon. Identify those key fundamentals and design drills to rehearse them ad nauseam.

For instance, if you want to learn a musical instrument, you would drill skills like reading notes, holding the instrument properly, playing scales, and other basic techniques. The more you can ingrain those basics through mindless repetition, the more solid your overall abilities will become.

Step 5: Keep Testing Yourself

Most education involves learning material over a period of time, then getting tested on it once at the very end. But for ultralearning, you need to be retrieving and applying what you know every step of the way through frequent practice tests and quizzes.

Not only does this reinforce the material, but it also identifies areas of weakness that you may need to revisit. Use flashcards, practice problems, mock exams – any way to actively recall the information rather than just re-reading it. Testing yourself constantly is key.

Step 6: Get Feedback From Others

No matter how self-aware you try to be, there will always be blind spots in your skillset that you can’t perceive objectively. That’s why it’s absolutely critical to get frequent, honest feedback from other people who are more experienced than you.

Share your work with mentors, experts, teachers, peers, and anyone else who can critique what you’re doing well and what you need to improve. Be open to negative feedback – it’s not a critique of you personally, it’s just data that allows you to close gaps more rapidly.

Step 7: Review and Practice Consistently

Let’s say you follow all the previous steps to initially learn something new. That’s great, but if you don’t actively maintain and reinforce that knowledge over time, you’ll end up forgetting most of it within a few weeks or months. The brain is like a muscle that needs constant exercise.

Schedule regular review sessions to go over your notes, rework practice problems, watch tutorials again, and basically refresh all the material consistently. Building this recurring practice into your routine is the only way to make the learning permanent. Otherwise, it’s a waste of effort.

Step 8: Develop Intuitive Mastery

At the highest skill levels, true experts don’t just follow step-by-step rules and logic. They develop an intuitive feel for their craft that allows them to navigate complexity and make smart decisions instantly without overthinking. This intuition is what separates the novices from the masters.

To get there yourself, you need to study how renowned experts think, problem-solve, strategize, and apply their skills in various scenarios. Over time, with enough immersion in your field, you’ll start internalizing those same subconscious intuitions and instincts that the masters rely on.

Step 9: Experiment With Unconventional Strategies

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different, unorthodox learning techniques beyond just reading books or watching videos. Different strategies tend to work better for different topics and different personal learning styles.

For example, maybe you enjoy learning a language through stories instead of grammar drills. Or you learn math concepts best through analogies and visualizations rather than formulas. The best learning methods are often unexpected and counter-intuitive. Have an open mindset to try new things.

By combining all 9 of these ultralearning principles into a customized system tailored for you, it’s actually possible to gain world-class expertise in any skill or subject in a fraction of the time it usually takes. Follow these steps, and you’ll be amazed at how fast you can transform yourself into a top performer. The possibilities for growth are truly limitless!

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