How to Become a High Value Person: 6 Things They Always Do

If you want to massively increase your sense of self-worth, respect and influence while attracting supportive communities, making these six signature high value habits part of your lifestyle can elevate you tremendously.
How to Become a High Value Person

In a world of superficial vanity where everyone desperately tries to impress others, truly high value people stand out for their bold authenticity. They think independently, hold strong convictions unafraid of opposition, and live life deliberately on their own terms.

If you want to massively increase your sense of self-worth, respect and influence while attracting supportive communities, making these six signature high value habits part of your lifestyle can elevate you tremendously.

1. Unapologetically Express Polarizing Opinions


Rather than neutering their views to avoid offending, high value individuals speak their minds with conviction even when provocative. 

They would much rather live authentically, conveying beliefs aligned with their identity, than pretend to fit in by parroting what’s popular. This makes them interesting, earns respect for their willingness to take stands, and attracts both ardent supporters and vocal critics. 

As legendary leadership expert Simon Sinek explains, great leaders bring people together not by trying to please everyone with sanitized platitudes, but by boldly speaking their inconvenient truths. 

When you take a strong, well-considered stand for what you genuinely believe in rather than endlessly shape-shifting to avoid confrontation, the right people will be drawn to you and inspired while the wrong people filter themselves out.

This authentic self-expression and willingness to hold minority perspectives require developing high levels of self-confidence, emotional resilience in the face of backlash, and discernment regarding when and how to speak out. 

It’s important to avoid being reflexively disagreeable, intentionally offensive or needlessly abrasive. The goal is to convey your unique worldview with conviction in a tactful yet uncompromising manner so those aligned with your thinking feel empowered while avoiding unnecessary offenses from those unlikely to ever agree.

2. Pursue High Value Activities Exclusively


While average people numbingly fritter away vast amounts of time on hollow entertainment, addictive social media, passive video binging and other unfulfilling distractions aiming to avoid boredom, high value individuals deliberately focus their time and energy on meaningful pursuits. 

Rather than half-heartedly dabbling in whatever happens to capture their drifting attention, they purposefully craft full lives centered around their goals, priorities and self-improvement. Their days overflow with creation rather than consumption. 

You’ll find them intensely developing skills, learning new disciplines, strengthening their bodies and minds, producing creative works, nurturing relationships, building businesses, tackling challenges and intentionally elevating themselves.

Do an audit of how you currently spend your days and weeks. How much television do you watch? How often do you check social media? What percentage of your browsing goes toward purposeful versus pointless ends? How frequently do you engage in unstructured leisure or entertainment rather than skill-building activities? 

Once you have baseline awareness, begin cutting empty time wasters out of your life. Be relentlessly honest with yourself regarding what serves you versus what subtly erodes your potential. 

Simultaneously, double down on those uncommon goal-oriented tasks and self-improvement actions that specifically move you toward the person you aim to become. This raises your sense of purpose, achievement and self-worth over time.  

3. Maintain Clarity of Thought Above Circumstances


When intense emotions arise during confrontations, rejections, conflicts or unexpected trials, lower value people often descend into a reactive state of irritability, anxiety, dejection or despair. 

Their turbulent minds cloud with frustration, anger, self-pity and other limiting sentiments that exacerbate difficulties. High value individuals, on the other hand, respond by rising above and maintaining perspective along with mental clarity regardless of circumstances or emotional states swirling below.

Like the peaks of tall mountains visible rising through cloud lines during storms, keep your mind clear and focused no matter the difficult conditions unfolding around you. Avoid getting sucked into melodramas or crises needlessly. 

Detachment allows you to manage challenges and lead others far more thoughtfully rather than reactively. Just as experienced captains steady ships amidst rocky seas while passengers panic, your ability to stay calm, rational and strategic when chaos strikes makes all the difference.

If communicating complex ideas or formulating sophisticated written arguments seems difficult for you, dedicated regular practice can help enormously. From overcoming speech impediments to gaining eloquent verbal fluency, implementing the right daily techniques enables vast positive change over time through neuroplasticity. 

Winston Churchill for example trained himself to become an extraordinarily eloquent orator despite struggling mightily with a lisp and stuttering during his early public speeches. If you make developing this high value skill set a consistent priority, you will transform self-expression capabilities greatly.

4. Pursue Difficulty Over Pleasure 


Due to primal survival wiring, human beings instinctively seek pleasure while avoiding unnecessary discomfort and adversity. Without higher understanding, lower value people default to what is convenient, comforting and immediately gratifying. The high value approach however requires moving against animalistic inertia by systematically seeking challenges that lead to exponential growth.

This means embracing short-term struggle and difficulty in exchange for accomplishing goals and actualizing potentials. It means voluntarily entering uncomfortable growth zones outside established limitations through higher rationale rather than remaining complacent inside familiar comfort zones that provide temporary relief but no advancement.

Concretely this requires expending disciplined effort rather than being passive. Going to the gym for strenuous exercise rather than relaxing on the couch watching television. Launching an entrepreneurial business endeavor rather than keeping a conventional job only for safe paychecks. 

Studying programming to expand technical skills rather than playing video games. Having the difficult brave conversation rather than conflict avoidance. Pursuing those uncomfortable activities which expand possibilities over what is familiar but stagnant.

Aligning with this principle separates those regressing toward the mean of mediocrity versus those determinedly elevating their lives to new heights of empowered self-actualization. Does this require giving up all comforts and pleasures absolutely not. But periodically embracing voluntary hardship in service of transcending limiting thresholds leads to exponential self-evolution. 

5. Rapidly Adapt to Changing Situations


In a progressively accelerating world, fixed routines and stubborn established habits can quickly trap you into obsolescence as contexts change. While stabilizing patterns provide comfort to our nervous systems, high value people remain mentally agile, willing to abandon outdated strategies and fluidly evolve behaviors appropriately as reality shifts. Rather than reflexively opposing adjustments or hiding their heads in comfortable sand, they openly engage the world in its full dynamic real-time complexity.

This means constantly noticing what is working versus what requires upgrading given current conditions whether in relationships, work environments, economic fluctuations, emerging technologies or public health situations. 

Ask what emotional intelligence principles apply to challenges today that may not have previously? What technical, communication or leadership skill sets offer optimal advantage presently versus the past? How specifically can I consciously shift my approach to harness opportunities and overcome obstacles I face right now?

By continually sensing paradigm shifts combined with the courage to appropriately adapt rather than attachment to dysfunctional established patterns, high value individuals evolve dynamically. This anti-fragility gives them a powerful evolutionary edge to thrive amongst chaos that rigidly fixed personalities cannot weather. 

6. Value Skillful Competence Over Superficial Perception 


Average people excessively crave positive external validation and social recognition even from those whose opinions offer no substantive life value. This causes them to constantly perform various phony impersonations to impress others rather than spending energy developing real inner skills, value and character. 

Those exhibiting high self-worth however remain far less concerned with others’ potentially inaccurate perceptions of them while focusing efforts instead on meaningful competency building.

For example, don’t merely lift weights solely trying to appear visibly muscular for vanity’s sake. Commit instead to developing functional adaptability and useable strength directly applicable beyond the gym. Don’t study just to score well on largely meaningless standardized bubble tests. Master transferable critical thinking and problems solving skills of real significance.

Aspire to world class excellence within your chosen craft empowered by world changing purpose rather than chasing superficial indicators of progress the vast majority dismiss as trivial narcissistic fluff.

Take fierce pride in substantial bona fide competence over deceptive appearances. Invest time becoming who you aim to be based on your own enlightened criteria versus attempting to impress shortsighted critics trapped on lower planes oblivious to your higher values. 

Elevate Yourself Through Embodying High Value Mindsets and Habits


The more you can embody these empowering high value mindsets and habits, the more you will increase assurance in your own worth and capacities. You will attract supportive communities passionately eager to align with your vision and mission to elevate humanity. 

Strive to express your unique genius boldly through the filter of creative excellence. Speak truths unapologetically despite social opposition. Spend time daily becoming exceptional. Rise calmly above adversity and those still asleep. 

Choose uphill self-actualization over complacent stagnation in familiar ruts unlikely to fulfill your highest potentials. Adapt courageously as contexts require rather than desperately clinging to outdated versions of yourself that no longer suffice. Celebrate bona fide mastery, service and love over addictive pleasures or appearances.   

Make these principles guiding pillars for your life. Do so with patience and you will progressively actualize your highest self. Your soaring personal worth will attract accelerating opportunities through inspiration rather than desperation. 

2 thoughts on “How to Become a High Value Person: 6 Things They Always Do”

  1. Engr Walayat ullah

    This is the content for which I searched for. Brilliant ideas. Please keep it up .Expected more content from you on this topic.

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