8 Toxic Habits to Quit to Join the Top 1% of Wealthy Achievers in 2024

Your income and success level directly correlates to that of your closest 5 friends according to research. Why? Because we inadvertently adopt beliefs, behaviors, habits and traits from those we spend most time around.

Most people approach success by focusing on what new tactics to adopt – the shiniest object syndrome. But the fastest way to transform your income doesn’t lie in doing more. It lies in stopping behaviors sabotaging your progress.

Eliminate just a handful of toxic habits, and your productivity, happiness and income will skyrocket. Replace them with empowering disciplines aligned to your growth, and your life becomes barely recognizable.

In this article, we will explore the 8 key areas to declutter and streamline on your journey to the top 1%. Implement these shifts with conviction, and you’ll discover riches residing dormant within you just waiting to be unleashed.  

1. Stop Trading Time for Money – Build Leveraged Income Streams Instead


Exchanging hours for dollars caps your earnings severely. At traditional jobs, 3-4% annual pay rises are considered generous. Your availability within a 24 hour day inherently restricts your ability to earn more.

The solution? Transition from selling your hours to leveraging your intellectual assets. Productize your skills into online courses, communities and software able to serve people globally around the clock. Or invest in dividend generating assets to secure passive income. Build a business with staff handling operations, licensing your knowledge across industries and borders.

This liberates you from the shackles of trading time for money. Influence and income become limitless, restrained only by imagination and initiative rather than the hours in a day. Software I built earns thousands daily with zero involvement from me – that’s the mindset shift required to break through income ceilings.

Action step: Make a list of your areas of expertise. How could you package them into products people would pay for online? Investigate your first online course platform like Teachable or Podia.  

2. Stop Tolerating Mess – Become a Productivity Ninja


Cluttered homes and workspaces drain mental clarity, inspiration and performance without us realizing. Researchers found employees delivered 94% higher output working in organized office environments than messy ones. Conquer the chaos externally, and you master it internally. 

Tame the mess by optimizing your workspace first. Set aside the next Sunday to massively declutter – give everything a home by utilizing shelves, draws, cabinets and baskets. Maintain this sanctuary by spending the final 5 minutes of each workday tidying your desk. 

Establish set places for key items you use daily like pens, headsets and notebooks to minimize wasted time hunting. And most critically, refuse to close your laptop with admin mess visible – handling low priority clutter in the moment prevents overwhelm accumulating. 

The cumulative impact of organized environments in sharpening focus, energy, mood and productivity is immense. What could you achieve with even 25% improved output daily?

Action step: Set a timer and see just how quickly you can organize your desk right now. Then use your shiny new space to map out a Sunday Mega Declutter session to do the same for the whole office.  

3. Stop Delaying Decisions – Shrink Timelines Ruthlessly


As Parkinson’s Law states, work expands to fill the time allocated. Give yourself a week to draft a client proposal? You’ll faff about for 6 days before panicking. Your brain abhors a vacuum – create empty space and nonsense rushes to fill it.

Short circuit procrastination by shrinking expected completion times to uncomfortably tight windows. Emphasize urgency and action over meandering preparation. Reply to emails in 3 hours instead of 1-2 days. Outline articles in 20 minutes not one hour. Pitch investors after refining your deck for a week rather than endlessly polishing for 6 months.

Channel the spirit of Victor Hugo writing Hunchback of Notre Dame snowed into his study without clothes as his publisher demanded the book just weeks later. What could you achieve going all-in like this? Fear of impending deadlines forces decisiveness, killing delay. Suddenly you’re achieving in hours what once consumed months. Progress unlocks creativity rather than the illusion of perfection.

Action step: Review your current projects and slash the delivery timelines in half. Watch Parkinson’s law crumble as your productivity explodes thanks to the pressure cooker environment.  

4. Stop Being So Available – Safeguard Your Focus Fiercely


It’s all too easy being distracted in our hyper connected world. Yet research confirms that multi-tasking destroys productivity, crimping output by an average 40%. Meanwhile goal achievement relies entirely upon extended periods of unbroken focus.

The solution? Become practically impossible to divert and distract during key work periods. Routinely switch email and messaging off to avoid notifications shattering concentration. Block time in your calendar and vigorously shield it from others. Print key documents to avoid browsing temptation. Invest in noise cancelling headphones and productivity music conducive to laser-like focus. 

In an age where people demand instant responses around the clock, refusal to be constantly available pays dividends. By fiercely protecting windows for deep work, you drive breakthroughs on prized projects rather than getting buried handling low level busywork and minutiae. The more you make yourself elusive, the more you achieve.

Action step: Over the next week, track how often you get distracted and switch tasks. At the end of the experiment, set availability signifiers like email auto responses to lock in focus. The compounded impact over a month will shock you.

5. Stop Depending on Motivation – Institute Discipline Instead


Sustaining high performance through motivation alone resembles an engine revving then spluttering out. Discipline in contrast resembles a diesel engine – low key yet potent over long distances.

Here’s why discipline trounces motivation. Watching inspiring YouTube videos floods your motivation tank for days, even weeks. But as the memory fades, so does the drive and commitment. Discipline however strengthens through repetition – denying yourself delicious treats, waking at dawn, practicing your craft daily

Like compound interest, small consistent actions snowball into astounding results over months. Meanwhile motivation flashes out like a exploded star. Inspiration makes you feel like taking action – discipline actually forces action when you least feel like it. And winning is a game of inches – tiny repetitive gains – rather than dramatic leaps forward.

The verdict? Forget about motivation. Instead install micro-disciplines supporting your most ambitious vision. The smaller the daily habits the better to lock them in. From flossing your teeth to honing your skills, mundane actions compounded make excellence inevitable.  

Action step: Note down three outcomes that would be game changing personally or professionally if achieved in 12 months time. Now break these down into daily and weekly micro disciplines guaranteed to get you there, however small they seem initially.

6. Stop Keeping Goals Secret – Go Public to Guarantee Achievement


Uncertainty loves hiding in the shadows, creeping in to derail progress on cherished goals. Making goals public stacks the odds for success back in your favor through heightened accountability and expectation.

Here’s why declaring goals publicly supercharges achievement:

  • Friends hold you accountable checking on progress
  • Failing to hit targets damages your reputation  
  • Helpers emerge offering mentoring and masterminding
  • Spotlight incentivizes doing work avoiding real procrastination 
  • Personal pride drives you onward now things are visible

So whether via notice boards tracking metrics, broadcasts to your email list, or conversations among peers, open up. The white hot glare of attention sears away obstacles thwarting your ambitions. 

Sure, keeping things private feels safer if you fail. But this mindset guaranteeing you’ll stay stuck paralyzed by risk, remaining unfulfilled and income capped forever. Safety breeds mediocrity – avoid this at all costs. No risk means no reward.

Action step: What 1 goal would peers be amazed to discover you will achieve in the next year? Write it on paper, assign metrics and a completion date. Now share this publicly via social media tagging friends close to the goal type who can support you.

7. Stop Perfectionism Paralysis – Embrace Imperfection To Progress


Perfectionists envision success occurring in a straight line – flawless victory flowing inexorably from A to B. But sustainable success resembles a winding canoe trip across a lake. You make incremental progress navigating twists and turns as conditions and obstacles shift.

Surrender attachment to perfect linear progress. In place of precision, pursue patience and flexibility adapting to events outside your control. Edit blog posts lightly before publishing, fix website issues live, pitch tentative product releases to gather feedback. 

Done beats perfection every time. Remind yourself the Universe rewards action takers not endless deliberators. You can always iterate and refine later. Mistakes and backtracking are integral to growth, not anathema. Daily tiny wobbling steps forward drives extraordinary outcomes over months, not immaculate execution.  

Striving for perfection is hubris guaranteed to induce frustration. Master the art of detached expectations and continual slight course corrections instead if your aim is tangible rewards rather than ego gratification.

Action step: What current project have you endlessly delayed seeking the perfect plan, strategy or conditions? Ship it immediately as is and observe what happens. I guarantee you’ll be shocked at the progress and surprises flowing from imperfect action.

8. Stop Surrounding Yourself With Stagnant Friends 


Your income and success level directly correlates to that of your closest 5 friends according to research. Why? Because we inadvertently adopt beliefs, behaviors, habits and traits from those we spend most time around.

When our current peer group no longer nurtures our growth, it’s vital we courageously walk away. Otherwise stagnation guaranteed. Even your current friends may actively or subtly resent your success threatening the group identity if outpacing them on key metrics like income, relationships and lifestyles. Misery loves company – don’t let anyone dull your shine.

Set standards for the vital few friends worthy of your mental real estate. Do they expand or contract your sense of possibility? When you share your biggest vision or goals, do they offer encouragement or objections? Do they keep you grounded or drag you down?

Implement a “3 strikes rule” for naysayers stuck on repeat. First, communicate openly about your growth and hopes. Second, reiterate your commitment if encountering resistance. After strike three dampening your ambitions? Wish them well and reduce contact.  

Surround yourself with inspirers committed to championing your self-actualization through guidance, introductions, collaboration and accountability. Joint success breeds positive peer pressure raising all ships – exactly the environment mandatory to elevate income and happiness.

Action step: Which 1-2 friends drag you down sharing limiting perspectives or resenting your success? Communicate the vision you have for your relationship. If no change results, respectfully back away investing that energy into more elevating people instead.

The Bottom Line


Stop self-sabotage in its tracks by culling just a handful of unproductive habits squandering time, creativity and income. Reality rewards action – imperfect progress fuels confidence priming further leaps. With this foundation set, constructing an enriching lifestyle, powerful network and abundant income becomes practically inevitable.

What stuck out most to you from the 9 areas covered today? Which habit could you quit to unlock an additional $1,000+ monthly if implemented with conviction over the next 12 months? What fellow high achievers could support you ditching this pattern for good through accountability and community?

Choose action today, and your future self 12 months from now will thank you endlessly for the riches this new version of you unlocked for both yourself and those you care most about. Future financial freedom lies dormant within you right now wondering “What on earth are you waiting for?”

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