5 Things You Should Never Do Around a Girl You Like: The Do’s and Don’ts

Being genuine and confident in who you are is so much more attractive. If a girl doesn’t appreciate the real you, she’s not the right fit anyway.
You Should Never Do Around a Girl You Like

We’ve all experienced it – you meet an incredible girl and feel an instant connection. You really want to make a good impression so that you can take things to the next level. However, it’s easy to mess things up if you don’t know what to avoid. 

In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the top 5 mistakes to steer clear of when trying to woo a girl you like. Mastering these simple dos and don’ts can help ensure your interactions go smoothly and increase your chances of success.

1. Don’t Engage in Negative Self-Talk


One of the biggest turn-offs for women is a lack of confidence. Engaging in negative self-talk signals insecurity, lack of self-worth and an inability to handle imperfections. This instantly makes you much less desirable as a partner.

Examples of negative self-talk include:

Self-deprecating humor: Making jokes or sarcastic remarks that put yourself down comes across as fishing for compliments.

Downplaying achievements: Saying things like “I just got lucky” or “It was nothing special” makes it seem like you don’t appreciate your own abilities.

Criticizing yourself: Constant internal criticism over perceived flaws and mistakes reeks of low self-esteem.

Seeking validation: Frequently saying things like “I’m so ugly, right?” or “Do you even like me?” is very unattractive.

Unfavorable comparisons: Comments like “I’m not as smart as him” or “She’s so much better than me” reveal crippling insecurity.

The key is to avoid putting yourself down, big or small. Focus on your positive qualities and demonstrate quiet confidence. Deal with mistakes and imperfections with grace and maintain a generally positive attitude.

Women are drawn to men who believe in themselves and handle setbacks without being overly self-critical. Oozing self-confidence with an air of humility is extremely attractive.

2. Don’t Stare Creepily or Avoid Eye Contact 


Proper eye contact is crucial when interacting with a girl you like. It helps establish rapport, convey interest and build intimacy. However, there are two extremes to avoid:

Staring creepily – Locking eyes with her for more than a few seconds without saying anything comes across as odd. It can make her uncomfortable, especially if she doesn’t know you well.

Avoiding eye contact – Looking down or around awkwardly signals shyness, disinterest or discomfort being close to her. Lack of eye contact makes it hard to establish chemistry.

The ideal balance is to maintain eye contact frequently, but briefly and naturally. Quick eye contact while speaking helps show you’re engaged in the conversation. Let your eyes occasionally wander to her facial features, lips or body language. This creates a bit of thirst without being creepy.

During an intimate moment, you can briefly hold eye contact for a few seconds to generate tension and desire. Just don’t overdo it. Remember to blink normally and break contact every few seconds at first. As you get to know each other better, occasional longer eye contact can communicate attraction and intimacy.

3. Don’t Be Too Pushy


Expressing romantic interest in a girl is expected. But being overly pushy is a red flag for most women. If she’s not reciprocating interest, persistently pressing the issue will only drive her away.

Common pushy behaviors include:

– Asking her out repeatedly after being rejected

– Constant texts and calls even when she’s not responsive  

– Showing up uninvited places you know she’ll be

– Public displays of affection that make her visibly uncomfortable

– Not taking hints that she wants space

You can’t force someone to like you back. The more you push, the more desperate and creepy you appear. If she’s clearly not interested, accept it gracefully and move on.

Healthy persistence focuses on mutual interest and chemistry. If she’s reciprocating signals, it’s fine to gradually escalate things like touching and flirting. But backing off immediately when she seems uncomfortable demonstrates maturity and self-control.

4. Don’t Put Her on a Pedestal


Treating a girl you like with kindness and respect is important. However, putting her on a pedestal is unhealthy and creates an imbalanced dynamic.

Pedestal behavior includes: 

– Viewing her as absolutely perfect with no flaws

– Prioritizing her needs and desires over your own  

– Making huge sacrifices just to please her

– Ignoring red flags or serious incompatibilities 

– Feeling like you’re lucky she’s even interested in you

This usually stems from lack of boundaries, low self-worth or childhood attachment issues. It reveals an inability to see things objectively when emotions get involved.

The truth is no one is perfect. We all have insecurities, flaws and emotional baggage. View your crush as a complete human being, not an idealized fantasy. Focus on reasonable expectations.

Avoid supplicating or people-pleasing behavior. Make sure your needs and deal-breakers are addressed too. This encourages a healthy balanced dynamic of mutual understanding.

5. Don’t Pretend to Be Someone Else


Many guys try altering their interests, hobbies and even personality when pursuing a girl. They want to appear “cooler” than they really are. But this is always a mistake.

Actions to avoid:

– Lying about your interests, job or background

– Hiding your hobbies, tastes in movies/music etc.  

– Pretending you enjoy activities you don’t just to impress her

– Talking differently around her to seem more “manly”

– Spending outside your budget trying to show off

Being genuine and confident in who you are is so much more attractive. If a girl doesn’t appreciate the real you, she’s not the right fit anyway.

The right balance is putting your best foot forward without misrepresenting yourself. Make an effort to be well-groomed, well-spoken and at ease socially. But don’t go overboard adopting interests or traits totally unlike you just to get her approval. Let your uniqueness shine through. Mutual appreciation for each other’s quirks and passions creates deeper intimacy.



Making a good impression on a girl you like comes down to avoiding some common blunders while putting your best self forward:

– Skip the negative self-talk. Stay positive and project quiet confidence. 

– Maintain comfortable eye contact without staring creepily.

– Accept disinterest gracefully rather than being overly pushy.

– See her as a complete human, not a perfect idealized goddess.  

– Be your genuine self, not someone you think she wants.

Show you’re a mature, self-assured guy by demonstrating self-control, positive self-talk and respect for her boundaries. With the right balance of charm, humor, attentiveness and confidence, you’re sure to impress the girl you like without going overboard.

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