5 Mental Traps That Are Stopping You From Improving Yourself

If you spend all your time and mental energy caring about things that are out of your control, you'll have nothing left over to focus on what really matters. Things like politics, celebrity drama, world events etc. It's easy to get overly invested, but at the end of the day, worrying about these things won't improve your life one bit.

Do you ever feel stuck in life? Like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to make progress towards your goals and become the person you want to be? 

You’re not alone. Most people struggle with feelings of stagnation and an inability to self-improve at some point. The problem is that there are several common mental traps that make it extremely difficult to change your life for the better. 

In this article, I’m going to reveal the 5 most insidious mental traps that could be sabotaging your self-improvement efforts. Understanding these traps is the first step towards escaping them and getting your personal growth back on track. So let’s dive in!

Trap #1: Caring Too Much


If you spend all your time and mental energy caring about things that are out of your control, you’ll have nothing left over to focus on what really matters. Things like politics, celebrity drama, world events etc. It’s easy to get overly invested, but at the end of the day, worrying about these things won’t improve your life one bit.

You have to be ruthless with what you allow into your mind. Be hyper focused on only the people and activities that actively better your life. Everything else is just noise and distraction. Adopt an attitude of “if it’s out of my control, it doesn’t matter.” Your mental real estate is precious – don’t allow it to be overrun by unimportant tenants! 

Trap #2: Undervaluing Your Attention  


In the digital age, one of the most valuable assets we have is our attention. Yet most of us fail to safeguard it accordingly. We allow our focus to constantly be hijacked by notifications, feeds and addictive media. Before you know it, hours of potential productivity have vanished down a black hole of distraction.

Start placing a high monetary value on your attention. Ask yourself “If I was being paid \$X per hour, how would I be spending this time?” This mental trick will encourage you to use your attention more intentionally instead of frittering it away on quick dopamine fixes.

Be ruthless in eliminating distractions and saying no to things vying for your awareness. Carve out long stretches of uninterrupted time to focus on important tasks. You attention produces your outcomes in life, so keep it laser focused!

Trap #3: Lacking Presence   


Even if you minimize external distractions, lack of presence itself can sabotage your mental clarity. Most people spend almost all their waking hours lost in the default mode network of their brains. This means constant dwelling on the past and future which manifests as anxiety, negative self talk and inability to focus on the present.

Start cultivating mindfulness through meditation. This builds the mental muscle that yanks you out of your head and drops you firmly into the now. You can try my free 5 day guided meditation challenge to get started.  

As you go about your day, remember that you are not your thoughts. You are the observer. Notice when your mind starts churning and gently guide your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Staying grounded in the present will work wonders for your mental health.

Trap #4: Lacking Gratitude


Gratitude does so much more than provide a warm fuzzy feeling. Studies confirm that developing an attitude of gratitude actively improves both physical and mental wellbeing. Things like better sleep quality, increased happiness, higher self esteem and greater life satisfaction are just some of the proven benefits.

Despite the clear upsides, most people still fail to actively practice gratitude in their daily lives. Here are some simple ways to cultivate more gratitude on a daily basis:

  • Keep a gratitude journal where you log things you’re thankful for every night
  • Say grace before meals to give thanks for your food 
  • Perform “negative visualization” exercises where you imagine losing conveniences and possessions you currently take for granted. This instantly increases appreciation.
  • Verbally express thanks to people in your life who contribute value 

Consistent gratitude reframes your entire mindset and attitude towards life’s daily stressors and challenges. This mental resilience compounds over time for seriously improved wellbeing.

Trap #5: Brain Fog


Ever have those days where thinking feels like wading through molasses? Where your memory seems shot and trying to focus just gives you a headache? This is the dreaded brain fog, a distressingly common condition in the modern world.

Brain fog can completely undermine self-improvement efforts by sapping your motivation, willpower stores and ability to concentrate. Causes range from poor diet and sleep deficits to inflammation and specific vitamin deficiencies. Trouble is, it can be tricky to pinpoint exactly what’s causing fogginess for any one individual.

Here are some tips to help banish brain fog for good:

  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule and get 7-9 hours per night
  • Reduce inflammation through diet, exercise, supplements like turmeric/omega-3s  
  • Identify and address any nutritional deficiencies – especially Vitamin D
  • Try eliminating common allergens like gluten and dairy for a month 
  • Incorporate brain boosting activities like sudoku, journaling and learning new skills

Pay attention to when and why fogginess seems to strike you. Keep an “anti-fog” protocol handy to implement whenever your mind starts sputtering. Consistent effort will help determine and address the root causes over time.



Battling these invisible mental traps is the key to unlocking your true potential. Minimize pointless caring, zealously protect attention, cultivate presence through mindfulness, foster gratitude’s positive mindset and banish brain fog through lifestyle tweaks.

With these traps out of the picture, your self-improvement efforts will skyrocket. You’ll possess the mental clarity and resilience needed to finally make big changes.

So take stock of your current mental habits and behaviors. Which of these traps may be ensnaring you without you even realizing it? Identify and address them now to get your personal growth back on track!

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