10 Life Hacks to Simplify Your Busy Life

"Discover 10 Life Hacks for a Simplified Life. Learn to clear mental clutter, manage information overload, and leverage tech to streamline daily tasks. Prioritize essential commitments, set personal boundaries, and reduce decision fatigue. Strengthen relationships through face-to-face interactions and align activities with your energy. Stay hydrated for improved well-being. Start simplifying today!"
Hacks to Simplify Your Busy Life

Life is complicated. Between work, family, friends, and other responsibilities, our days are often a whirlwind of busyness. Our minds feel cluttered as we rush through task after task. 

While some level of chaos may be inevitable, there are things we can do to regain control and simplify our lives. Clearing away the clutter and busyness brings more mental clarity, improves productivity, reduces stress, and allows us to focus on what really matters.

In this post, we’ll share 10 powerful life hacks to help you minimize overwhelm, get organized, and create more simplicity, space, and joy in your daily life.

1. The Mental Clarity of Writing Everything Down


One of the simplest yet most effective life hacks for creating mental space is to write things down. Whether it’s a to-do list, goals, random thoughts, plans, or ideas, putting it all down on paper clears things up and frees up mental bandwidth.  

According to productivity coach Brendan Baker, writing things down is like offloading a heavy backpack you’ve been carrying around all day. It takes those tasks and thoughts out of your mind and onto paper, leaving you feeling lighter and more focused. 

Writing things down also brings clarity and direction to vague thoughts. As author Daniel Levitin explains, “The simple act of getting thoughts and ideas out of your head and onto paper orders them and organizes them.”

To implement this life hack:

– Carry a notebook or planner with you. Jot down to-dos, thoughts, and ideas as they arise so they don’t keep rattling around in your brain. 

– Do a brain dump every morning to clear your mind for the day’s priorities. Write down everything you have to do, want to do, or are thinking about.

– Maintain a running goals document. Capture any goals or dreams – big and small – as they come up. Review and update it weekly.

Regular writing removes mental clutter, brings focus to next actions, and ensures you don’t forget important tasks or ideas. Even just 5-10 minutes of writing a day can make a massive difference in mental space.

2. Mastering Information Overload for Enhanced Focus


We live in an era of information overload. Between 24/7 news, social media, podcasts, YouTube videos, and more, there is an endless stream of content coming at us nonstop. 

While we may think we can multitask, research shows information overload seriously hampers productivity. Constant notifications and input beyond our brain’s processing capacity leaves us distracted, overwhelmed, and unfocused.

To take back control, set limits around your information intake such as:

– Check news, social media, and other sites on a strict schedule rather than constantly grazing. 

– Limit consumption to 30-60 minutes total each day.

– Turn off all non-essential notifications. 

– Unsubscribe from email lists and content you rarely read.

– Take weekly digital detox days.

Being selective about your information diet ensures you have brain space left over for deep thinking, creativity, and what you really care about. The less overloaded your mind is, the more mental clarity you’ll experience.

3. Leveraging Technology for Efficient Daily Living


While technology is often blamed for complicating our lives, you can also strategically leverage it to remove daily hassles. Virtual assistants, apps, delivery services, and more can eliminate time-consuming tasks.

For example:

– Let Siri, Alexa or Google Home handle setting reminders, alarms, music, and more so you don’t drain mental energy on these tasks.

– Use meal kit delivery services like HelloFresh or Blue Apron if meal planning feels overwhelming. They provide pre-planned recipes and perfectly portioned ingredients.

– Sign up for a grocery delivery service like Instacart. Schedule delivery weekly so you never have to waste time at the store again. 

– Apps like Mint, Digit, and Trim can automatically handle tasks like budgeting, bill pay, and subscription management.

Take an audit of daily annoyances and research apps or services that could automate or simplify them. The time and mental space you save allows you to focus on more meaningful pursuits.

4. Prioritizing Essential Daily Commitments


Being crystal clear on your non-negotiable priorities is a game changer for simplifying life. Start by identifying 3-5 things you want to make time for every single day no matter what. 

For example, non-negotiables might include:

– 30 minutes of exercise

– Reading before bed 

– Sitting down to dinner as a family

– Daily alone time

– Morning routine 

Whatever your non-negotiables are, schedule them into your calendar first before anything else. Then plan other activities around them. With your must-do priorities set in stone, you won’t waste mental energy constantly reprioritizing. 

Knowing these anchor activities will happen every day no matter what instills calm and balance. You can focus on getting important things done instead of sweating the small stuff that doesn’t align with your core priorities.

5. Defining and Upholding Personal Boundaries


Part of simplifying life is learning to set and enforce healthy boundaries. But it’s impossible to assert your limits if you don’t even know what they are.

Take time to get clear on your personal boundaries:

– What will you accept and not accept from others? 

– What drains you or crosses a line?  

– How do you want to be treated?

– What are your social battery limitations?

As life coach Marisa Peer explains, “Understanding your boundaries is about being clear on what works for you – your needs, your preferences, your comfort zone.” 

Reflect on times when you’ve felt uncomfortable, resentful, or drained. What boundary was crossed? Journal about this regularly to gain clarity on your limits.

Once you understand your boundaries, enforce them. Say no to requests that overstep your limits. Politely yet firmly uphold your boundaries when communicating needs to others. Maintaining healthy boundaries minimizes resentment, drama, and people pleasing while honoring your needs.

6. Honoring Commitments and Eliminating Ambiguity


When you say you’ll do something, follow through. Show up when expected. Deliver what you promise. Meet deadlines you agreed to. Honor your word and be known as someone with integrity.

Sticking to your word clears up confusion, prevents over-promising, and reduces stress from scrambling to fulfill last minute obligations. It instills confidence and trust in your professional and personal relationships when people know they can rely on you.

Apple CEO Tim Cook shared his productivity trick: “Be an inverter. Don’t say ‘I’ll get back to you.’ Say ‘I’ll get back to you by X.’ Force yourself to invert your sentences.” 

Get in the habit of being specific on delivery timelines rather than vague promises. Quantify how long tasks will take before saying yes. This guarantees you can realistically accomplish what you commit to without compromise.

7. Mitigating Decision Fatigue for Better Daily Choices


Due to a phenomenon called decision fatigue, the more decisions we make in a day, the harder each one becomes. Our willpower and focus get used up, leading to rushed, poor choices that increase anxiety and overwhelm.

Look for ways to limit daily low-value decisions:

Morning Routine

– Have a standard wake up time and sequence of events to reduce decision making first thing. 

– Prep your gym bag, work bag, and breakfast the night before.


– Create a weekday work from home uniform like Steve Jobs’ jeans and black turtleneck.

– Build weekly capsule wardrobes around versatile core items to mix and match.


– Meal prep and grocery shop once a week. 

– Batch cook staples like roasted veggies, quinoa, chicken. 

– Rely on simple repeated meals and snacks.

Automating repetitive aspects of your routine preserves your willpower for more important choices. You’ll reach the end of each day feeling in control instead of decision fatigued.

8. Strengthening Relationships Through Face-to-Face Interaction


In the digital age, misunderstandings run rampant. That’s why face-to-face conversation is vital for strengthening relationships and minimizing miscommunications.

Schedule weekly in-person check-ins with key people, such as:

– Your significant other – Discuss your days, air any grievances, collaborate on household needs.

– Your manager – Align on priorities and expectations, address any workflow obstacles.

– Close friends – Vent about life happenings, provide support, and have fun.

– Mentors – Seek advice, brainstorm ideas, and gain insights.

Yes, coordinating get-togethers requires more effort than firing off a quick Slack message or email. But the benefits are immense: deeper connections, increased trust, simplified logistics, and improved alignment from talking things through face-to-face. 

Don’t underestimate the power of regular in-person interactions to nurture your most important relationships and make life more enjoyable.

9. Optimizing Your Performance by Aligning with Your Energy


Your energy, focus, and motivation levels fluctuate at different times of day. Pay attention to find your natural peaks and valleys around:

– Mental focus – When do you tackle analytic work best?

– Creativity – What time of day do ideas flow freely?

– Willpower – When do you have the most motivation for hard tasks?

– Exercise – What time of day do you have the most strength and stamina?

Once you know when you’re at your best, build your schedule around it. For example:

– Do creative work like strategizing during your brain’s innovative peak hour, like late morning.

– Schedule meetings during your natural recharge time, like mid-afternoon.

– Work out at the energy peak when you can push yourself the hardest.

– Tackle challenging projects when you know you’ll be laser focused. 

Adjust activities to align with your energy cycle. You’ll get more done with less effort and avoid burnout from working at the wrong times.

10. The Vital Role of Hydration for Improved Well-Being


Staying properly hydrated is linked to improved energy, focus, mood and metabolism. Yet 75% of people in the U.S. are chronically dehydrated according to research.

To utilize this simple life hack:

– Carry a water bottle with you all day. Sip continuously. 

– Set hourly hydration alarms on your phone to remind you to drink up.

– Have a glass of water before every meal which can aid digestion as well. 

– Infuse your water with cucumber, lemon, or mint to boost flavor and motivation.

– Download apps like Water Minder to track your daily ounces consumed.

Adequate hydration all day long leaves you feeling refreshed, focused, and energized. You experience fewer hunger cravings, headaches, and mid-afternoon energy crashes when properly hydrated as well.

The Cornerstone of a Simplified Life


While some external chaos will always exist, staying intentional about simplifying your life ensures things don’t spiral out of control. Making your mental clarity, wellbeing, and priorities the foundation yields numerous benefits:

– Greater productivity and efficiency

– Less stress and overwhelm  

– More meaningful activities and relationships

– Improved health and energy

Start applying one life simplification hack a week until it becomes habit. Over time, you’ll create the conditions for optimizing your days and living life on your own terms.

The path to simplicity isn’t perfect. Progress requires patience and perseverance. But the effort pays dividends through more space, contentment, and joy infused into each day. What strategies do you use to simplify and bring clarity to your daily life? Share your top tips in the comments below!

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