10 Creative Ways to Use NFC Tags for Home Automation

NFC is a remarkable technology enabling wireless communication between devices in close proximity. By utilizing NFC tags and a touch of creativity, one can create highly useful home automations, streamlining daily life. In this blog post, we'll explore 10 brilliant ways to use NFC tags for home automation in 2023.
NFC tags

NFC is a remarkable technology enabling wireless communication between devices in close proximity. By utilizing NFC tags and a touch of creativity, one can create highly useful home automations, streamlining daily life. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 brilliant ways to use NFC tags for home automation in 2023.

An Introduction to NFC Tags

NFC tags are small stickers or cards that can be programmed to automate various tasks. These devices have a small NFC chip and antenna, which sends data to NFC-enabled smartphones, tablets, and other devices. 

Using an NFC tag is easy. Just bring your NFC-enabled device close to the tag, typically within 4cm or less. The tag will transfer data to your device, allowing it to trigger various actions, such as opening a website, sending a text, or connecting to WiFi.

NFC tags are affordable, typically priced at $1 or less per tag when bought in bulk. Setting them up is straightforward. To utilize them, all you need is an Android device with Android 4.0 or a newer version, or an iPhone 7 or later with iOS 13 or higher. Older iPhones with an NFC reader accessory can also detect NFC tags.

With a little creativity, you can program NFC tags to automate many tasks around your home. Here are 10 great examples to inspire you!

1. Simplify Kitchen Timers

If you frequently time your cooking in the kitchen, NFC tags can save you multiple taps. Program a tag to immediately start a countdown timer for 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes. Stick it on the fridge or counter for easy access. When you’re cooking or baking, just tap your phone to the NFC tag instead of opening the app and manually setting the timer.

2. Automate Your Sleep Routine

We all know getting enough sleep is important, but it can be hard to tear ourselves away from our devices at night. NFC tags provide an easy way to automate a better sleep routine. 

Program an NFC tag on your nightstand to enable Do Not Disturb mode, switch on Blue Light filter, open your alarm clock app and turn on Sleep Sounds when tapped. Tap it again in the morning to reverse the actions. This gently discourages late night social media scrolling and prepares your mind and body for restful sleep.

3. Quickly Connect Bluetooth Devices

Constantly repairing Bluetooth speakers, headphones and other devices can be a headache. With NFC tags, you can automate the pairing process in just a tap.

Apps like TriggerCMD for Android let you write Bluetooth connection info to a tag. Stick tags near your devices and tap to instantly pair your phone instead of digging through settings menus. Never waste time fiddling with Bluetooth again!

4. Automate Routines with Siri Shortcuts

Apple’s Siri Shortcuts app lets you create custom voice commands that trigger sequences of actions on your iPhone or iPad. By integrating NFC tags, you can trigger these shortcuts automatically – no need to say “Hey Siri” every time!

For instance, tap an NFC tag on your nightstand to have Siri dim the lights, turn off the TV and play a sleep sounds playlist. Or tap one on your way out the door to text your partner you’re on your way home. The possibilities are endless.

5. Open Websites Instantly

NFC tags aren’t just for smartphones – you can program tags to launch websites when scanned by phones, tablets and laptops too. 

Stick tags on appliances or products and configure them to open related webpages, tutorials or contact info. Tap the tag to instantly open the page, no typing required!

6. Launch Routines When You Leave or Arrive

Heading out for the day or coming home at night usually involves a routine of small tasks like arming the security system, adjusting the thermostat, turning off lights, etc. NFC tags let you trigger all these actions at once with a single tap.

Configure tags placed by your front door to run your desired “Leaving Home” and “Arriving Home” routines. No more fumbling through multiple apps to get things just right!

7. Automate Your Car Experience

Skip the Bluetooth pairing process for your car’s audio system by programming connection info and custom actions to NFC tags. 

When you get in the car, just tap your phone to a tag mounted in the console to automatically turn on Do Not Disturb, launch Google Maps, connect to the car audio and start playing your driving playlist. Tap again when you park to reverse it all.

8. Build Custom Remotes for your Smart Home

Tired of juggling multiple apps to control your smart home gadgets? Consolidate controls by creating NFC tag “remotes” to trigger routine actions. 

Program power buttons for lamps, scenes for lighting setups, and commands to start robot vacuums or air purifiers. Stick the tags to any surface for quick access to all your most common smart home actions.

9. Create a Digital Business Card

Forget fumbling for paper business cards – give out a personalized digital card instead! Program an NFC tag with your contact info and link to your website, social profiles, email signup page, etc. 

Hand them out at conferences and networking events for people to tap and instantly add your details and online presence to their phone. A small but memorable high-tech touch!

10. Build Interactive Games for Kids

NFC tags open up fun new possibilities for interactive games and learning experiences. Build hidden tag scavenger hunts, tap-to-learn memory games, interactive stories brought to life through tags placed in books, and more.

Let your kids’ imagination run wild and build coding skills by having them help design NFC-based games themselves. The right NFC apps combined with a bit of creativity can teach all kinds of skills in a fun way.

Bring Your NFC Ideas to Life

NFC tags offer a cost-effective and potent solution for streamlining daily tasks. By leveraging simple coding skills and creativity, you can create personalized experiences that perfectly match your requirements.

Here are some resources to help you get started:

  • NFC Tools (Android) – Comprehensive NFC automation app for writing and triggering tags.
  • Shortcuts (iOS) – Build routines for Apple devices and trigger them with tags.
  • Trigger (Android) – Triggers actions like playing media and launching apps. Works with NFC tags.
  • Automagic (Android) – Advanced automation with flowcharts and IFTTT integration.
  • Tagstand– Pre-configured NFC cards and keychains for common automations. Just tap and use.

The possibilities are endless when you utilize NFC technology in clever ways. With this guide, you now have plenty of innovative ideas to try out and make your home smarter and more automated than ever before in 2023!

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